Absence Arrangements
All student absences must be reported to the Attendance Office by phone to (01905) 746 800 – Option 1 on the first day of the absence period. Please leave a message if the attendance office are unable to take your call.
If a student is absent for more than 1 day then, unless otherwise agreed with the Attendance Office, a telephone call must be made each morning of the absence.
Levels of attendance and academic achievement are clearly linked. Therefore, for your child to have the best possible education, it’s important that they have as little time off school as possible.
Appointments and Leaves of Absence
If a student needs to attend a medical appointment, or requires a leave of absence for any other reason, a letter must be brought from home. The letter should be shown to your child’s tutor. The letter should also be shown to the class teacher from the lesson which your son/daughter is leaving and to the attendance office when signing out. Students must sign back in at the attendance office on their return.
Please notify the College Reception of any infectious or contagious illness occurring in the household of a student.
In such cases, a student should not attend College until a medical certificate has been submitted indicating that he/she may do so with safety to other students.
All students who are late to schol need to report to the attendance office to sign in, confirming the reason for lateness and the time they have arrived in College.
If students are late and we have not received prior notice, then they will receive a thirty minute after school detention.