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Top 10 revision tips for Year 11 students

With Year 11 exams beginning on Monday 16th May, we’ve put together our top 10 tips to help you revise.

Create a revision timetable… and stick to it

Without a structured plan, the thought of revising all those subjects can become extremely daunting. However, setting yourself a goal and allowing yourself to only concentrate on one subject at a time does make it a lot more achievable. Set a time for each subject and prioritise the subjects that you feel need most work.

Don’t burn out

Research has shown that revision is much more effective when it is spread out, rather than left to last-minute cramming. Taking regular breaks and doing something else for a short time is vital. Maybe chat with friends, get some fresh air, play a game or watch TV for 20 minutes as a reward for your hard work.

Turn off the distractions

It’s far too easy to have a quick glance at TikTok, and before you know it, you’ve wasted an hour watching videos of cute dogs being reunited with their owners! Turn off all those distractions to help you concentrate.

Find out what works for you

Do you retain information simply by writing it down? Or do flashcards and mind maps work better for you? Or does reading revision notes aloud help? Don’t just do the same type of revision as your friends, as what helps you to recall information may be very different to them.

Make use of the available resources

We’ve created a dedicated website page for our Year 11 students which provides subject revision guides created by teachers, as well as external links to websites where you can find past papers and examination board resources.

Attend the extra revision classes

There will be focus sessions for individual subjects just before an examination. These are great opportunities to extract those final examination hints and tips from your teachers, go over key terminology, and get answers to any queries or questions you might have.

Don’t cram – leave yourself plenty of time

Trying to cram in a month’s worth of revision in one night will not help, and will in fact worsen your nerves. Ensure you give yourself plenty of time in order for you to comfortably revise all of your subjects.

Keep yourself healthy

Ensuring you stay fit, eat well, drink plenty and get enough sleep will contribute positively and help you stay focused on your revision.

Try not to stress

We know it’s sometimes easier said than done but try not to get too stressed. The day of an exam can be the most worrying, so give yourself plenty of time to get the stuff you need together and arrive at the exam room, and make sure you eat a good breakfast or lunch beforehand, as this can really help you keep calm and alert.

Move on

Once you leave an exam, don’t dwell on it and worry that what you’ve written might be wrong – it’s too late to change it! Simply start focusing on the next exam.

Wishing all our students the best of luck with their exams, and remember, we are always here if you need to chat.

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