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Transitioning to secondary school

The move from primary to secondary school can often be a daunting time for parents and children. There are a lot of changes to take into consideration, such as new teachers, timetables and environment. But you can alleviate any uncertainties by preparing yourself and your child for the transition.

Finding your feet

The number of pupils in a year is not the only thing that increases from primary to secondary school. The size and layout of new buildings creates a maze of corridors that can cause confusion for new starters. Our new Year 7 students have visited the school on several occasions so they could familiarise themselves with the layout and learn where the classrooms and facilities are. Remember, there is always a member of staff who will be available to point them in the right direction.


Homework will become part of daily life for your child, so be prepared for the increase in work they bring home. Remind them to remain organised and be clear about exactly what they need to do and when the deadline is. Be available to help if they have any questions or need pointing in the right direction, and utilise any homework planners or online portals that may be provided.


A new curriculum results in a new timetable, an increase in work, and different teachers for different subjects, so organisation is key. There is nothing worse than rushing around in the morning, so encourage your child to pack their bag the night before and think about what is needed for the day ahead.

From uniforms to PE kits and stationery to equipment, the list of items needed on a daily basis can feel endless. Make sure you read all the new starter information and keep a checklist so you have everything you need before the term begins.


Communication between you, your child and school is paramount. Children adapt at different rates and while some may feel excited and ready to go, others may feel apprehensive about this new phase they are embarking on. When supporting your child through these changes, remind them to never be afraid to ask questions and talk to their tutor.

There will be a flurry of new activities, clubs and events that can be hard to keep track of. Remain up to date on all the latest school news and opportunities via the school’s website, social media pages, newsletters and emails.

The most important part about this new journey you and your child are embarking on is to enjoy it. This is an exciting time to make new friends, learn new things and start new adventures.

We have a wide range of information under the parents and students section of this website, from information about the school day and what to do if your child will be absent, to uniform and equipment expectations. We understand that there can be a lot to remember, so don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

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